Description: THE PREHISTORIC MAN& PRIMITIVE SOCIETIESCOLLECTION~~~~~~~~ A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 170 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on DVD DATA DISC covering all aspects of PREHISTORIC MAN & PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES. Discover the history of our earliest ancestors and study the existence of man during the prehistoric age. Explore the fossilized remains and archaeological discoveries throughout Britain, Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Study the fascinating megalithic structures such as Stonehenge and other stone relics left behind by prehistoric races thousands of years ago. Uncover the origins of the mound-builders, a prehistoric American race. Read about the primitive societies and savages that still existed during the early 20th century. Discover the origins of the Aryan race, the primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia and the most ancient skeletal remains of man. The full list of titles included speaks for itself…. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in prehistoric man, primitive societies, anthropology and archaeology. This superb compilation of 178 vintage books on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts in French and German. This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here! The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows: A guide to the fossil remains of man in the Department of geology and paleontology in the British Museum (1922)A history of the mental growth of mankind - J. S. Hittell (1879)A study of the bronze age pottery of Great Britain &Ireland, and its associated grave-goods Vols. 1 & 2 - J. Abercromby (1912)An introduction to anthropology - a general survey of the early history of the human race - E. O. James (1919)An introduction to the study of social evolution; the prehistoric period - F. S. Chapin (1913)Ancient earth forts of the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio - C. Whittlesey (1871)Ancient hunters and their modern representatives - W. J. Sollas (1911)Ancient man in Britain - D. A. Mackenzie (1922)Ancient Scottish lake-dwellings or crannogs, with a supplementary chapter on remains of lake-dwellings in England - R. Munro (1882)Ancient society or, Researches in the line of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization - L. H. Morgan (1877)Ancient types of man - A. Keith (1911)Antiquities of Portsmouth and vicinity - G. Hempstead (1875)Archæological history of Ohio; the Mound builders and later Indians - G. Fowke (1902)Artefacta antiquissima - geology in its relation to primeval man - H. Duckworth (1860)Behemoth - a legend of the mound-builders - C. Mathews (1839)Catalogue of objects used by a prehistoric people in what is now Douglas and Sarpy counties, Nebraska - R. F. Gilder (1913)Cave hunting, researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe - W. B. Dawkins (1874)Certain aboriginal remains of the Alabama river - C. B. Moore (1899)Certain aboriginal remains of the northwest Florida coast Vols. 1 & 2 - C. B. Moore (1901)Certain antiquities of the Florida west-coast - C. B. Moore (1900)Coming of man, pre-man and prehistoric man - G. G. MacCurdy (1920)Der diluviale Mensch in Europa - M. Hoernes (1903)Der Mensch der Vorzeit - H. Obermaier (1912)Dress, drinks, and drums - further studies of savages and sex - A. E. Crawley (1921)Early British trackways - moats, mounds, camps, and sites - A. Watkins (1922)Early man in Britain and his place in the tertiary period - W. B. Dawkins (1880)Early man in Europe - C. Rau (1876)Early man in South America - W. H. Holmes (1912)Early steps in human progress - H. Peake (1908)Élements de préhistoire - D. Peyrony (1914)Everyday life in prehistoric times - M. Quenell (1921)Excavations at Carnac (Brittany) a record of archaeological researches in the alignments of Kermario - J. Miln (1881)Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley - being an account of some of the monuments and relics of prehistoric races scattered over its surface - A. J. Conant (1879)Fort Ancient in Warren County - J. G. English (1889)Fossil men - elements of human palaeontology - M. Boule (1923)Fossil men and their modern representatives, an attempt to illustrate the character and condition of pre-historic men in Europe, by those of the American races - J. W. Dawson (1888)Grave-mounds and their contents - L. Jewitt (1870)Hommes fossiles et hommes sauvages, études d'anthropologie - A. de Quatrefages (1884)Human origins - S. Laing (1893)Humanity in its origins and early growth - E. Colbert (1892)In the beginning (Les origines) - J. Guibert (1900)Kultur, ausbreitung und herkunft der Indogermanen - S. Feist (1913)La Combe - a paleolithic cave in the Dordogne - G. G. MacCurdy (1914)La création de l'homme et les premiers ages de l'humanité - H. De Cleuziou (1898)La Gaule avant les Gaulois - d'après les monuments et les textes - A. Bertrand (1884)Le préhistorique antiquité de l'homme - G. de Mortillet (1893)Les anciens peuples de l'Europe - G. Dottin (1916)Les origines, questions d'apologétique - J. Guibert (1890)Les premières civilisations études sur la préhistoire jusqu'à la fin de l'empire macédonien - J. de Morgan (1909)Les premiers habitants de l'Europe, d'après les auteurs de l'antiquité et les recherches les plus récentes de la linguistique - H. d' Arbois de Jubainville (1877)L'humanité préhistorique, esquisse de préhistoire générale - J. de Morgan (1921)Life-history of our planet - W. D. Gunning (1881)Man and his forerunners; incorporating accounts of recent discoveries in Suffolk and Sussex - H. Buttell-Reepen (1913)Man and the glacial period - G. F. Wright (1904)Man before metals - N. Joly (1902)Man in the past, present and future; a popular account of the results of recent scientific research as regards the origin, position and prospects of the human race - L. Büchner (1872)Man, past and present - A. H. Keane (1899)Man, the primeval savage - his haunts and relics from the hill-tops of Bedfordshire to Blackwall - W. G. Smith (1894)Manners and monuments of prehistoric peoples - J. Nadaillac (1892)Mastodon, mammoth, and man - J. P. Maclean (1878)Materialien zur Vorgeschichte des Menschen im östlichen Europa - nach polnischen und russischen Duellen - A. Kohn (1879)Men of the old stone age - their environment, life and art - H. F. Osborn (1915)Mound builders of Illinois - A. J. Throop (1922)Mound-builders - W. J. Smith (1886)Notes on flint chips and pre-historic phases at Tutnall, near Bromsgrove - W. A. Cotton (1886)Observations on the uses of the mounds of the West, with an attempt at their classification - E. G. Squier (1847)On the class of rude stone monuments - W. C. Lukis (1875)On the date of Grime's Graves and Cissbury Flint-mines. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1912 - R. A. Smith (1912)On the date of Grime's Graves and Cissbury Flint-mines - R. A. Smith (1912)On the evidneceas of the antiquity of man in the United States - C. Whittlesey (1869)Origin and antiquity of man - G. F. Wright (1912)Origin and character of the British people - M. C, Macnamara (1900)Origin and evolution of primitive man - A. Churchward (1912)Our world; a sketch of origins according to science - C. H. Peck (1921)Palæolithic man and terramara settlements in Europe - R. Munro (1912)Palaeolithic man in N.W. Middlesex - J. A. Brown (1887)Pre-glacial man and the Aryan race - L. Burge (1887)Prehistoric America Vol. 1 - S. D. Peet (1892)Prehistoric America Vol. 2 - S. D. Peet (1892)Prehistoric America Vol. 3 - S. D. Peet (1892)Prehistoric America Vol. 4 - S. D. Peet (1892)Prehistoric America Vol. 5 - S. D. Peet (1892)Prehistoric annals of Scotland Vol. 1 - D. Wilson (1863)Prehistoric annals of Scotland Vol. 2 - D. Wilson (1863)Pre-historic man. Darwinism and deity. The mound builders - M. F. Force (1873)Prehistoric man - J. McCabe (1910)Prehistoric man - W. L. Duckworth (1912)Prehistoric man and beast - H. N. Hutchinson (1896)Prehistoric man and his story; a sketch of the history of mankind from the earliest times - G. Elliot (1915)Prehistoric man in America - W. R. Harris (1918)Prehistoric man in Utah - H. Montgomery (1906)Prehistoric man; researches into the origin of civilisation in the Old and the New world Vol. 1 - D. Wilson (1876)Prehistoric man; researches into the origin of civilisation in the Old and the New world Vol. 2 - D. Wilson (1876)Prehistoric races of the United States of America - J. W. Foster (1887)Pre-historic remains of Caithness. With Notes on the human remains - S. Laing (1866)Prehistoric times & men of the Channel Islands - J. Sinel (1914)Prehistoric times, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the manners and customs of modern savages - J. Lubbock (1913)Prehistory; a study of early cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean basin - M. C. Burkitt (1921)Preliminary report on the primitive man of Nebraska - E. H. Barbour (1906)Pre-palaeolithic man - J. R. Moir (1919)Primeval man, an examination of some recent speculations - G. Argyll (1869)Primitive culture - researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom Vols. 1 & 2 - E. B. Tylor (1920)Primitive folk - E. Reclus (1891)Primitive man - E. Clodd (1895)Primitive man - L. Figuier (1876)Primitive man - M. Hoernes (1900)Primitive manners and customs - J. A. Farrer (1879)Primitive secret societies - H. Webster (1908)Primitive society - E. S. Hartland (1921)Primitive society - R. H. Lowie (1920)Primitives and the supernatural - L. Levy-Bruhl (1921)Questions on the customs, beliefs, and languages of savages - J. G. Frazer (1916)Recent investigations bearing on the question of the occurrence of neocene man in the auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada - W. J. Sinclair (1908)Records of ancient races in the Mississippi valley - W. McAdams (1887)Relics of the mound builders - C. C. Baldwin (1894)Report on the mound explorations of the Bureau of ethnology - C. Thomas (1894)Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of civilization - E. B. Tylor (1878)Results of an inquiry as to the existence of man in North America during the paleolithic period of the stone age - T. Wilson (1890)Review of the evidence relating to auriferous gravel man in California - W. H. Holmes (1901)Riddles of prehistoric times - J. H. Anderson (1911)Rough stone monuments and their builders - T. E. Peet (1912)Rude stone monuments in all countries; their age and uses - J. Fergusson (1872)Sculptured anthropoid ape heads found in or near the valley of the John Day river, a tributary of the Columbia river, Oregon - J. Terry (1891)Sexual life of primitive people - H. Fehlinger (1921)Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America - A. Hrdlicka (1897)Social origins - A. Lang (1903)Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio. To what race did the Mound builders belong - M. Force (1879)Some sources of human history - W. M. F. Petrie (1919)Stonehenge and other British stone monuments astronomically considered - J. N. Lockyer (1906)Studies of savages and sex - E. A. Crawley (1921)The adolescent girl among primitive peoples - M. Van Waters (1914)The anthropological history of Europe - J. Beddoe (1912)The antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent states, and the state of aboriginal society in the scale of civilization represented by them - G. P. Thurston (1897)The Antiquity of man - A. Keith (1915)The antiquity of man in Europe - J. Giekie (1914)The antiquity of man in South Africa, and evolution - A. P. Hillier (1890)The arrival of man in Britain in the Pleistocene age - W. B. Dawkins (1910)The blond race and the Aryan culture - T. B. Veblen (1913)The book of Algoonah - being a concise account of the history of the early people of the continent of America, known as mound builders - C. F. Newcomb (1884)The childhood of man - a popular account of the lives, customs and thoughts of the primitive races - L. Frobenius (1909)The childhood of the world; a simple account of man in early times - E. Clodd (1873)The human bones of the Hemenway collection in the United States Army Medical Museum at Washington - W. Matthews (1893)The Indian, or mound builder - T. Beckwith (1911)The Magdalenian civilization - A. C. Lawson (1920)The man-eaters and other odd people. A popular description of singular races of man - M. Reid (1886)The Mediterranean race - a study of the origin of European peoples - G. Sergi (1901)The meeting-place of geology and history - J. W. Dawson (1894)The megalithic culture of Indonesia - W. J. Perry (1918)The megalithic monuments of Carnac and Locmariaquer; their purpose and age - Z. Le Rouzic (1908)The megalithic remains of Anglesey - E. N. Baynes (1911)The men of the Barma-grande (Baoussé-Roussé) An account of the objects collected in the Museum præhistoricum - R. Verneau (1908)The mind of primitive man - F. Boas (1921)The most ancient skeletal remains of man - A. Hrdlicka (1916)The mound builders - being an account of a remarkable people that once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi - J. P. Maclean (1879)The mound builders - G. Bryce (1885)The mound-builders - a reconstruction of the life of a prehistoric American race, through exploration and interpretation of their earth mounds, their burials, and their cultural remains - H. C. Shetrone (1920)The origin and evolution of primitive man - A. Churchward (1912)The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man - J. Lubbock (1898)The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man - mental and social condition of savages - J. Lubbock (1871)The origin of man and his superstitions - C. Read (1920)The origin of the Aryans - an account of the prehistoric ethnology and civilisation of Europe - I. Taylor (1892)The origin of the mound builders - A. O. Coffin (1889)The physical basis of civilization - T. W. Heineman (1908)The prehistoric men of Kentucky - a history of what is known of their lives and habits, together with a description of their implements and other relics - B. H. Young (1910)The pre-historic remains which were found on the site of the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, with a vindication of the Cincinnati tablet - R. Clark (1876)The prehistoric world or, Vanished races - E. A. Allen (1885)The primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia - S. Nilsson (1868)The rollright stones; the stonehenge of Oxfordshire - H. Taunt (1888)The story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave man - S. Waterloo (1897)The story of primitive man - E. Clodd (1895)The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world - J. G. Wood (1873)Traditions of De-Coo-Dah, and antiquarian researches - excavations of the wonderful and mysterious earthen remains of the mound-builders in America - W. Pidgeon (1858)Untrodden fields of anthropology - observations on the esoteric manners and customs of semi-civilized peoples Vol. 1 - C. Carrington (1892)Upper Mississippi, or, historical sketches of the mound-builders, the Indian tribes and the progress of civilization in the North-west - G. Gale (1867) The ultimate collection for anyone with an interest in prehistoric man, archaeological discoveries, ancient civilization and primitive societies – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price! Quick Delivery – Free postage within the UK! All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices. 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Price: 4.85 GBP
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End Time: 2025-02-14T19:58:47.000Z
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Modified Item: No
Subject 2: Archaeology
Author: Various
Non-Fiction Subject: Prehistoric Man / Primitive Humans / Fossils
Language: English