

Description: * MYTH AND LEGENDS MYTHOLOGY GODS FOLKLORE * 200+ RARE ANCIENT BOOKS on DVD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. Titles Include: The Mythology of all Races Volume 1 - Greek and Roman by Louis Gray 1916 The Mythology of all Races Volume 3 - Celtic and Slavic by Louis Gray 1916 The Mythology of all Races Volume 6 - Indian and Iranian by Louis Gray 1916 The Mythology of all Races Volume 11 - Latin American by Louis Gray 1918 The Mythology of all Races Volume 12 - Egyptian and Indo-Chinese by Louis Gray 1920 A Book of Famous Myths and Legends 1901 The Myth of Ra - the Supreme Sun-god of Egypt by William Ricketts Cooper 1877 The Lost Tales of Miletus by Edward Bulwer Lytton 1866 The Golden Fleece and the heroes who lived before Achilles by P Colum 1921 Ye Gods and Little Fishes; a travesty on the Argonautic expedition in quest of the golden fleece by James A Henshall 1900 Jason's Quest by D.O.S. Lowell 1893 The fallen angels and the heroes of mythology by John Fleming 1879 Dissertations on the philosophy of the creation and the first ten chapters of Genesis allegorized in mythology by William Galloway 1885 The creation-story of Genesis by Hugo Radau 1902 The Mysteries of Mithra, article in the American Catholic Quarterly 1922 The Semitic Tradition of Creation, article in The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 1892 The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology by James C Prichard 1838 Greek Mythology Systematized by Sarah Amelia Scull 1880 A Smaller Classical Mythology by William George Smith - 1882 (some back pages hard to read, a lot of great illustrations though) A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art by Clara Erskine Clement 1890 Conversations on Mythology 1827 China's Story in Myth, Legend, Art and Annals by William E Griffis 1911 Northern mythology comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and The Netherlands, Volume 1 by Benjamin Thorpe 1851 Northern mythology comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and The Netherlands, Volume 2 by Benjamin Thorpe 1851 Northern mythology comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and The Netherlands, Volume 3 by Benjamin Thorpe 1851 Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies, and superstitions by John Brand, Volume 1, 1875 Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies, and superstitions by John Brand, Volume 2, 1875 Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies, and superstitions by John Brand, Volume 3, 1875 Russian folk-tales by William Ralston 1873 Folk tales from the Russian by Vera X Blumenthal 1903 Folk-lore of the Holy Land - Moslem, Christian and Jewish 1907 Yiddish Tales by Helena Frank 1912 Jewish Holyday Stories by Elma Levinger 1918 The Legends of Genesis by Hermann Gunkel 1901 Romances and epics of our Northern Ancestors, Norse, Celt and Teuton by W Wagner 1907 (The Amelungs, Legend of Dietrich and Hildebrand, The Nibelung story, The Hegeling legend, The Legend of Beowulf, Legends of the Holy Grail, Legend of Lohengrin, Romance of Tristram and Isolde) In Quest of the Holy Grail - an introduction to the study of the legend by Sebastian Evans 1898 The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal its Legends and Symbolism considered in their affinity with certain mysteries of initiation and other traces of a secret tradition in Christian times by Arthur E Waite 1909 Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail by Alfred Nutt 1888 The Pedigree of the Devil by F. Thomas Hall 1883 Serpent and Siva worship and Mythology by Hyde Clarke 1877 The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt by WR Cooper 1873 Geological Myths (Flood Myths), article in Science magazine 1896 The Book of Genesis in the Light of Modern Knowledge by Elwood Worcester 1901 An Introduction to the Science of Comparative Mythology and Folklore by Sir George W. Cox 1883 Faiths and Folklore - A Dictionary, Volume 1 by W Carew Hazlitt 1905 Faiths and Folklore - A Dictionary, Volume 2 by W Carew Hazlitt 1905 The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, Volume 1 by RC Thompson 1903 The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, Volume 2 by RC Thompson 1903 The Legend of Perseus, Volume 1 by Edward Hartland 1894 The Legend of Perseus, Volume 2 by Edward Hartland 1894 The Legend of Perseus, Volume 3 by Edward Hartland 1894 Psychoanalysis and Mythology, article in Journal of Religious Psychology 1915 Folklore, Parallels and Coincidences, article in Folklore, A Quarterly Review 1897 The Trinities of the Ancients by Robert Mushet 1837 An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology by James Cowles Prichard 1838 Gleanings from Chinese Folklore by Mary H Porter 1915 Macedonian Folklore by GF Abbott 1903 The Tree of Mythology - its growth and fruitage, Genesis of the nursery tale, saws of folk-lore, etc., by Charles Mills 1889 The Myths of Israel by Amos Fiske 1897 The life and exploits of Jehovah by Henry M Tichenor 1915 Contributions to the Science of Mythology by Max Muller, Volume 1 1897 Contributions to the Science of Mythology by Max Muller, Volume 2 1897 Zoological Mythology - The Legends of Animals 1872 by Angelo De Gubernatis, Volume 1 Zoological Mythology - The Legends of Animals 1872 by Angelo De Gubernatis, Volume 2 Serpent-Worship by J. A. MacCulloch 1922 Fairy Mythology by Thomas Keightley 1833 Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions by Thomas William Doane American Hero Myths by Daniel Brinton 1882 The Ethnic Trinities and their relations to the Christian Trinity by Levi Leonard Paine 1901 The Heroes of Asgard - tales from Scandinavian Mythology by A Keary 1909 The Science of Fairy Tales - An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology by Edwin Sidney Hartland 1890 The Mythology of the Aryan Nations by George W Cox, Volume 1, 1870 The Mythology of the Aryan Nations by George W Cox, Volume 2, 1870 The Algonquin Legends by Charles Leland 1884 Myths and legends of the New York state Iroquois by Harriet Converse 1908 The Mythology of the Wichita, Volume 1 by George A Dorsey 1904 The Mythology of the Wichita, Volume 2 by George A Dorsey 1904 The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland by Charles Squire 1909 Evolution: an exposition of Christian dogmas and pagan myths by PJ Cooley Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists by Sister Nivedita 1914 The Golden Bough - a Study in Magic and Religion by Sir James George Frazer 1922 Myths and Myth-Makers by John Fiske - Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparitive Mythology 1896 Popular tales from the Norse by George Nasent 1903 Tales about the mythology of Greece and Rome by Peter Parley 1839 The Idea of God in Early Religions by FB Jevons 1910 The mythology of the British Islands, by Charles Squire 1905 Popular studies in mythology (Celtic Romance) by Alfred Nutt 1899 Two Essays on Semiramis by W. Robertson Smith and A. H. Sayce 1888 The Christ of Japan, article in Homiletic review 1913 Buddhist Legends by Buddhaghosa 1921 Buddhist Legends and New Testament Teachings, article in the Ecclesiastical review 1922 Christianity before Christ by Charles Stone 1885 Christ and other Masters, a Historical Inquiry into some Chief Parallelisms and Contrasts between Christianity and the Religious systems of the ancient world by Charles Hardwick 1857 Mythology of the Blackfoot Indians by Clark Wissler 1908 The Dragon, Image, and Demon Or The Three Religions of China by Hampden C. DuBose - 1887 The Mythical Interpretation of the Gospels by Thomas Thorburn The Use of Myths to create Suspense in extant Greek tragedy by William Flint 1922 Introduction to the science of religion - The philosophy of mythology by Max Muller 1873 Oedipus, King of Thebes by Sophocles 1911 Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles 1894 Totem and Taboo - resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics by Sigmund Freud 1918 The Myth of the Birth of the Hero: A Psychological Interpretation by Otto Rank, F. Robbins, Smith Ely Jelliffe - 1914 Heroes and Heroines of Fiction - Famous characters and Famous names in novels, romances, poems and dramas, classified, analyzed and criticised, with supplementary citations from the best authorities by William Walsh, Volume 1 1914 Heroes and Heroines of Fiction - Famous characters and Famous names in novels, romances, poems and dramas, classified, analyzed and criticised, with supplementary citations from the best authorities by William Walsh, Volume 2 1914 The Golden Age of Myth & Legend by Thomas Bulfinch 1900 A Hand-book of Mythology by EM Berens 1894 Stories from Heathen Mythology and Greek History For the Use of Christian Children by John Neale 1847 Myths of Hellas - Greek tales by C. Witt 1903 Star Lore of all Ages; a collection of Myths, Legends, and Facts concerning the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere 1911 by William Olcott Sun Lore of all ages, a collection of Myths and Legends concerning the Sun and its worship by William Olcott Roman History and Mythology by Henry Sanders 1910 Greece and Babylon, a Comparative Sketch of Religions 1911 by Lewis Farnell A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography by William Smith Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race TW Rolleston 1911 Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race by MI Ebbutt 1920 Classical Mythology in Shakespeare by Robert Root 1903 A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Mythology, Religion 1891 by Oskar Seyffert Manual of Mythology: Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology 1893 by Alexander Murray The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Lewis Spence 1916 Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances Illustrating Shakespeare and Other Early English Writers by Joseph Ritson 1875 Heroines of History, Heroines of Mythology, of Shakespeare, of the Bible by Frank Bristol 1914 Tales of the Gods and Heroes by George Cox 1863 Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity, with their Influence on the Opinions of Modern Christendom by Samuel Sharp 1863 Kings and Gods of Egypt by Alexandre Moret 1912 Ancient Egyptian Legends by M. Murray 1920 The Gods of the Egyptians by EA Wallis Budge 1904 A Catechism of Mythology; Containing a Compendious History of the Heathen Gods and Heroes by William Darlington 1832 Jewish Fairy Tales and Fables 1908 by Gertrude Landa Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories by Gerald Friedlander 1918 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 1, 1913 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 2, 1909 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 3, 1909 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 4, 1909 Stories of Indian (Hindu) Gods & Heroes by WD Monro 1912 Hindu Gods and Heroes by Lionel Barnett 1922 Legends of Indian Buddhism by E Burnouf 1911 The Age of Fable, or, Beauties of Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch 1855 Legends of Charlemagne or Romance of the Middle Ages by Thomas Bulfinch 1862 Gods and Heroes of old Japan by Violet Pasteur 1906 Myths of China and Japan by Donald McKenzie Tooke's Pantheon of the Heathen Gods 1823 The Mythology and Fables of the Ancients Volume 1 by the Abbe Banier 1739 The Myths of Mexico & Peru by Lewis Spence 1913 The Great Dionysiak Myth Vol. 1 by Robert Brown 1877 Teutonic Mythology by Jacob Grimm Volume 1 1882 Teutonic Mythology by Jacob Grimm Volume 2 1882 Asgard Stories, Tales from Norse Mythology 1901 by Mary Foster The Nine Worlds, Stories from Norse Mythology by Mary Litchfield Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas by Hamilton Wright Mabie 1900 Norse Mythology Or The Religion Of Our Forefathers Containing All The Myths Of The Eddas by RR Anderson 1879 Myths and Legends of Christmastide by Bertha Herrick 1901 Indian Myths and Legends of the Aborigines of American compared with those of Other Countries by Ellen Emerson 1884 Index to Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends by Mary Eastman 1915 Myths and Legends of the Sioux by Marie L. McLaughlin 1916 Sacred Myths of the Manitou by Ernest Whitney 1892 British Goblins: Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions by Wyrt Sikes 1880 Stories of Gods and Heroes by Thomas Bulfinch 1920 The Age of Chivalry; or Legends of King Arthur, King Arthur and his Knights, The Mabinogeon, The Crusades, Robin Hood by Thomas Bulfinch 1884 Egyptian Mythology by Max Muller 1918 Creation Myths of Primitive America by Jeremiah Curtin 1898 False Gods - The idol Worship of the World, a Complete History of idolatrous worship throughout the world, ancient and modern, describing the strange beliefs, practices, superstitions, temples, idols, shrines, sacrifices by Frank Dobbins Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by S Baring-Gould 1876 The Dawn of Astronomy. A study of the Temple-worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians 1894 by Norman Lockyer Christianity and Mythology by John M Robertson 1910 Tammuz and Ishtar: a Monograph on Babylonian Religion and Theology by Stephen Langdon 1914 Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions by TW Doane 1882 Myth, Magic, and Morals: a Study of Christian Origins by FC Conybeare 1910 Alsea Texts and Myths by Leo Frachtenberg 1920 The Chaldean Account of Genesis, containing the Description of the Creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the patriarchs, and Nimrod: Babylonian fables, and legends of the gods; from the cuneiform inscriptions by George Smith 1876 A Christian Wreath for the Pagan Deities - An Introduction to the Greek and Roman Mythology by FA Rowden 1820 (first 149 pages only) Tammuz, Pan and Christ; Notes on a Typical Case of Myth-Transference and Development by W. Schoff 1912 The Christ Myth by Elizabeth Edson Gibson Evans Bel, the Christ of Ancient Times by Hugo Radau 1908 An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh by Morris Jastrow 1920 The Semitic Gods and the Bible by De Robigne Mortimer Bennett 1912 The Great Law: A Study of Religious Origins and of the Unity Underlying Them by William Williamson The Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of Religion by Grant Allen 1908 Jesus: Myth, Man, Or God: Or, The Popular Theology and the Positive Religion ... by James Martin Peebles 1870 Folk Lore/Superstitious Beliefs in Scotland with an Appendix Showing the Probable Relation of the Modern Festivals of Christmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween to Ancient Sun and Fire Worship 1879 by James Napier The Fathers of Jesus: A Study of the Lineage of the Christian Doctrine by Keningale Cook - 1886 The Mythical Interpretation of the Gospels: Critical Studies in the Historic... by Thomas James Thorburn 1916 Isis and Osiris, Or, The Origin of Christianity by John Stuart Stuart Glennie 1878 The Eternal Christ: Studies in the Life of Vision and Service by Joseph Fort Newton - 1912 Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the the Spirit Realms Disclose the ... by Jonathan M.] [Roberts - 1894 Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology by John Mackinnon Robertson 1903 Christ Lore; being the Legends, Traditions, Myths, Symbols, Customs & Superstitions of the Christian Church 1902 by FW Hackwood Religion and Myth by James MacDonald 1893 A Short History of Christianity by John Mackinnon Robertson - 1902 The Antichrist Legend; a Chapter in Christian and Jewish Folklore with a prologue on the Babylonian Dragon Myth 1896 by W. Bousset The Sun and the Serpent, a History of Serpent-Worship 1905 by CF Oldham On Prehistoric Traditions and Customs in Connection with Sun and Serpent Worship by John Phene 1875 DID JESUS LIVE 100 B.C.? BY G. R. S. MEAD The Origins of Christianity by Thomas Whittaker 1904 Sex Worship, an Exposition of the Phallic Origin of Religion 1909 by Cliff Howard Religion in the Heavens, or Mythology Unveiled by Logan Mitchell 1881 The Childhood of Religions, embracing a simple account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends 1875 by Ed Clodd The Gods (1872) Robert Green Ingersoll ... Happy Shopping! ...

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The Myth of Sisyphus: And Other Essays..., Albert Camus
The Myth of Sisyphus: And Other Essays..., Albert Camus


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